Customer updates for Changebot

The latest updates and product improvements.

September 13, 2024

New Email Notification Settings

We've added new email notification settings for a more personalized experience. You can now manage your email preferences through a dedicated settings page, accessible from the menu.

The new interface includes toggle switches to easily customize which notifications you receive, making it simpler to stay informed in a way that suits you best.

September 13, 2024

User Email Notifications for Customer Updates

We've added a new feature where you'll receive email notifications when there are updates to your customers. This ensures you stay informed without having to constantly check the system.

You'll receive at most one notification per day, and if you haven't logged in since the last notification, you won't get another until you log in again. This way, you'll only get the updates you need without being overwhelmed.

September 12, 2024

Improved Paragraph Spacing in Update View

We've made a small but significant improvement to the update view on our platform. Now, paragraphs in updates will have consistent spacing, similar to what you see in the edit and published views.

This enhancement ensures that your updates are more readable and visually appealing, preventing any confusion caused by inconsistent formatting.

September 11, 2024

Updated TRMNL Plugin Webhooks URL

We've updated the webhook URL for our TRMNL plugin to ensure seamless communication with the new backend service. This change ensures that all your operations continue to run smoothly without any interruptions.

September 08, 2024

New Notification Settings Page

We've added a new notifications settings page to help you manage your email and Slack notifications more effectively. This new page includes a toggle for email notifications and an input field for Slack notifications, making it easier to customize your notification preferences.

While we've also added an entry for these notification settings to your sidebar, it's currently commented out and will be enabled once the feature is fully implemented.

September 07, 2024

Improved Paragraph Spacing in Update View

We've enhanced the appearance of paragraphs in the update view by adding extra padding at the bottom. This change ensures that paragraphs will now have consistent spacing, making the update view look similar to the edit and published views.

September 07, 2024

New Notifications Settings Page

We're excited to introduce a new Notifications Settings page! You can now manage your notification preferences right within the app.
On this page, you'll find an easy-to-use toggle to enable or disable email notifications, as well as an input field to configure Slack notifications. This allows you to stay up-to-date in the way that suits you best.
Additionally, we've added a placeholder for notifications in the settings sidebar, which will be fully activated soon.

September 06, 2024

Enhanced Customer Generation Experience

We're excited to introduce a refreshed customer generation experience that makes it easier and more intuitive for you to create and update customer profiles. Our latest update removes unnecessary steps and simplifies the process, ensuring you can focus on what matters mostβ€”connecting with your audience.

Here are some key highlights:

  • Streamlined Settings: We've refined the settings to eliminate redundant options, making configuration faster and more straightforward.
  • Improved Clarity: The new format for customer generation prompts ensures that the information is presented clearly, helping you to create engaging content effortlessly.
  • Tailored Messaging: Choose from various narrative styles and tones to craft messages that resonate with your specific audience.
  • Focus on User Benefits: Our guidelines now emphasize the impact and benefits of changes, helping you communicate effectively with your customers.

This update is designed with you in mind, offering a user-friendly interface and tools that enhance your productivity and engagement. We hope you love these improvements as much as we do!

August 31, 2024

Performance Improvement in Customer Data Management

We've made a significant performance improvement in how customer data is retrieved in our system. By optimizing the way customer-related queries are handled, operations involving customer information are now faster and more efficient.

This update ensures that associated team and product data is loaded more efficiently, reducing the time it takes to access and manage customer details.

August 23, 2024

Enhanced Commit Summarization and Improved UI

We've enhanced how we summarize commits to make it easier for you to see changes. Our new process categorizes and contextualizes updates more clearly, helping you understand the impact of changes better.
We've also integrated automated tools to streamline how changes are documented, improving communication and transparency. Additionally, we've updated the CSS styling to enhance the user interface, making it more intuitive and aesthetically pleasing.

August 19, 2024

Added a 'Back' Button to the Hosted Update Page

We've added a handy 'Back' button to the hosted update page. This new feature lets you easily return to the previous page you were on, making navigation smoother and more intuitive.

For now, the 'Back' button will take you to the last page you visited. In the future, we plan to give you the option to customize where this button takes you, ensuring an even better user experience.

August 13, 2024

Performance Optimization for Large Changes

We are excited to announce a new update that significantly enhances the performance of turning large code changes into updates.
We've defined "large changes" as any individual change that contains more than 30 files. When we detect a large change we've introduced a dynamic model selection feature, resulting in faster processing times and ensuring a smoother experience when dealing with extensive code changes.
We believe these updates will provide a more efficient and seamless experience for our users, particularly when handling large code changes. Thank you for your continued support!

August 12, 2024

Published Date Added to Customer Updates

We've added a feature that displays the published date for customer updates. This makes it easy to distinguish between published updates and drafts, giving you clear visibility on when each update was officially released.

August 12, 2024

Customer Updates Now Sorted by Date

We've improved how customer updates are displayed! Now, updates will be shown in order of their publication date, with the newest updates appearing first.

August 12, 2024

New Back Button on Customer Update View

In response to customer feedback, we've added a dedicated Back Button to the customer update view. Customers had brought up the concern that it was too easy to lose the context of where they were in the product, slowing down their ability to quickly review, edit, and publish updates.
This update is part of our ongoing commitment to improve usability based on your feedback. We hope this small enhancement makes a big difference in your daily tasks.

August 12, 2024

Improved Date Formatting

We've made a small but impactful update to how dates are displayed in the customer update section. To enhance readability and consistency, all dates will now appear without leading zeros. For example, instead of '04/09/2023', you will see '4/9/2023'. This change ensures a cleaner and more user-friendly interface.

August 12, 2024

Enhanced Title Visibility for Customer Updates

We've made a small but impactful change to the design of our customer updates. The title text is now larger, ensuring it stands out more prominently on the page.

This update enhances readability and helps you quickly identify important information in your updates.

August 12, 2024

Custom Titles for Hosted Updates

We've made it easier for you to personalize your hosted updates page by allowing you to set a custom title for each update. This means you can now clearly label and organize your updates according to your preferences.

If you don't provide a custom title, don't worry – we'll automatically use your team name as the default title. This update helps keep your page looking neat and organized.

August 12, 2024

Improved Datepicker Compatibility

We've updated the datepicker settings to ensure date formatting is consistent and compatible with our system. This change helps to prevent errors that occurred with certain date inputs.

From now on, you will notice that the datepicker uses the standardized YYYY-MM-DD format, making date selection smoother and more reliable.

August 12, 2024

New Feature: Skip Button on Update Page

Introducing the Skip Button on the update page, available today!
With this new functionality, you can now easily manage your updates by skipping those that aren't immediately relevant to you. Here's how it works:
  • When viewing your updates, you will now see a Skip Button next to each update.
  • If you aren't interested in posting a particular update, simply click the Skip Button to mark it as "skipped".
  • Once an update is marked as skipped, it will be removed from your list of updates to review, allowing you to focus on the updates that need your attention.
  • Should you change your mind, you can easily undo this action by clicking the Unskip Button, which will re-add the update to your list.
This feature is designed to help you quickly identify and prioritize the updates that are most important, saving you time and improving your overall efficiency on our platform.

August 09, 2024

Improved Bullet Point Display in Customer Updates Editor

We're excited to announce a new update to the customer updates editor, enhancing the way bullet points are displayed. Previously, bullet points appeared as plain text, making it challenging to organize and format information effectively. With this update, bullet points will now be displayed correctly, making your updates clearer and more organized.
Here's what you can expect:
  • Proper display of bullet points, improving readability and organization of your updates.
  • Enhanced user experience with more effective communication of information to your customers.
  • Consistent styling across the application, thanks to centralized CSS management.
We believe this improvement will make creating and editing customer updates a more seamless and efficient experience. Thank you for your continued support!

August 09, 2024

Enhanced Customer Update Editing

You can now edit customer updates regardless of their publication status. This means more flexibility for you to make changes even after an update has been published.

August 09, 2024

New Feature: Choose Your Publication Date

We've made it easier for you to manage your publications by adding the ability to choose your own publication date. Now, when you publish content, you can set a specific 'published_at' date that suits your needs.

We've also enhanced the publication form layout for a smoother experience and replaced the publish button with a more intuitive link. These changes aim to make your publishing process more flexible and streamlined.

August 08, 2024

New 'Set Publication Date' Feature

We’ve introduced a new 'Set Publication Date' feature that allows you to specify the publication date for your updates. This gives you more control over scheduling and backdating updates, ensuring the publication date aligns with your needs.

You can now easily set the publication date through a new modal window, which is accessible via a button in the publication settings. Additionally, we've added a 'Default Publication Date' setting to streamline your publishing process.

July 26, 2024

New Feature: Skip Button Added to Update Page

We are excited to introduce a new feature designed to improve your experience while managing updates: the Skip Button. This enhancement allows you to better organize your updates and focus on what's important.
What's New?
  • Skip Button: You can now mark updates as 'skipped' if you are not interested in reviewing them at the moment. This will remove the update from your list, helping you to quickly identify and focus on the updates that require your attention.
  • Unskip Option: If you change your mind, you can easily 'unskip' any updates, bringing them back into your list for review.
  • Enhanced User Interface: The skip and unskip buttons are prominently displayed and easily accessible, making the process intuitive and user-friendly. Clear visual cues are provided to indicate the status of each update.
This feature aims to streamline your update management process, ensuring that only the most relevant updates are in front of you, thereby enhancing your productivity.
We hope you find this new feature helpful and look forward to your feedback!

July 24, 2024

Add Published Date Field Mapping

We have added a new 'Published Date' field to improve your content scheduling and management capabilities. This feature allows you to define and manage the publication dates of your content directly within our platform.

Additionally, the user interface has been updated to include a more intuitive date selection element, making it easier than ever to specify and adjust published dates for your content. This enhancement ensures better control over the timing and visibility of your posts.

July 24, 2024

New 'Created Date' Field Added for Better Tracking

We've introduced a new 'Created Date' field across various parts of our application. This addition allows you to easily track and display the creation date of records, blog posts, and customer updates, giving you better visibility and improved data management.

July 24, 2024

Extended Excerpt Length for Webflow Publishing

We've increased the allowed length for excerpts when publishing to Webflow. You can now include up to 84 characters in your excerpts, providing more space for detailed previews of your content.

July 19, 2024

Improved Form Validation in Webflow Configuration

We've made some important improvements to the Webflow configuration form. Now, the submit button will only be enabled when all required fields are filled out. This means you won't be able to submit the form prematurely by accident.

This update also improves the visual feedback for disabled elements, providing a clearer and more consistent user experience.

July 19, 2024

New Configurable Slug Field in Webflow Settings

We're excited to announce a new feature that allows you to configure the slug field in your Webflow collections. This enhancement lets you customize SEO-friendly URLs more easily, improving the flexibility and consistency of your content management.

Simply update your settings to specify the slug field for each collection, ensuring that your URLs are tailored to your needs.

July 19, 2024

Introduction of Sidebar in Webflow Configuration Interface

We've updated the Webflow configuration interface to include a new sidebar layout. This enhancement allows you to view, edit, and manage your Webflow settings more easily.

The sidebar provides clearer guidance on your configuration status and offers quicker access to actions, helping you navigate the interface with greater efficiency.

July 19, 2024

UI Update: Required Field Indicators

We've made an important update to our form components to improve your experience. Now, required fields in forms are clearly marked with red asterisks.

This change affects fields such as collection selection, body, title, excerpt, and site selection. This should help you quickly identify which fields need to be filled out, reducing errors during submission.

July 19, 2024

Enhanced Customer Update Titles

We are excited to announce an improvement to the customer update titles in our application! As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the user experience, we have made the following changes:
  • Improved Visual Appeal: The customer update titles are now more visually appealing and easier to read, with adjusted font sizes, colors, and layout.
  • Enhanced Clarity: We have explicitly stated that human review is happening and provided reasons for any slow processes, ensuring customers are well-informed and reassured about the status of their updates.
  • Consistent Styling: Addressed any inconsistencies in styling to create a more cohesive and professional appearance.
  • Better Padding and Spacing: Added padding to the title input and decreased space between the title and content for a cleaner look.
These improvements aim to provide clear and transparent communication, helping to manage expectations and build trust with our customers. We hope you enjoy the enhanced experience!

July 19, 2024

Enhanced Styling for Hosted Updates Page

We've given the hosted updates page a stylish makeover! You'll now see a more visually appealing header that grabs attention right away.

The list style for updates has also been improved, making it easier to read and more organized. Plus, we've added a semi-random background color to bring some life to the page.

These enhancements aim to make the page look more professional and engaging, ultimately helping you make a better impression on your customers.

July 19, 2024

Introducing Update Quick Actions in List View

We are excited to announce a significant enhancement to our platform with the introduction of 'Update Quick Actions' in the list view. This new feature aims to streamline your workflow and improve your overall experience when managing updates. 

Here are the key benefits:
  • Efficient Update Management: You can now mark updates as read, mark updates as important, and delete updates directly from the list view. This eliminates the need to navigate to a separate page, saving you valuable time.
  • Quick Edit Options: Easily edit an update's status, date, and commit information from the list view. This allows for faster modifications and ensures your updates are always current and accurate.
  • Seamless Skipping: Mark any update as skipped with a single click. This intuitive action helps you quickly prioritize and manage your update review tasks.
  • Direct Approvals: Approve updates right from the list view, accelerating your review process and enabling you to start using those updates in your marketing initiatives sooner.
These new quick actions are designed to increase your efficiency and convenience, allowing you to swiftly review and manage updates. We are confident that these enhancements will significantly improve your workflow and overall user experience.

July 19, 2024

Publication Preview URL Now Clickable

We've made an improvement to the publication preview process by turning the preview URL into a clickable link. This makes it much easier to access and view your publication previews directly from the interface.

July 18, 2024

Revamped Notification System πŸŽ‰

Our journey to improve your user experience continues! Building on the work done to enhance user sign-up notifications πŸ“¬, we're excited to announce the complete revamp of our notification system. We've moved away from the previous solution to a more robust one, focused on better serving your needs. While the previous system did allow us to notify you via email, it wasn't as fine-tuned as we'd like it to be. So, we took your feedback and made some changes!

In the past, we’ve added functionality to notify our team about user sign-ups. However, we realized that the solution was not meeting our high standards. Now, we’ve switched to a new approach that allows us to send more specific email notifications. We believe this will make communication even easier and more effective!

We're confident that this enhanced email notification system brings us one step closer to providing you with an even smoother experience! πŸ₯³ Please bear in mind that with this change, we have temporarily discontinued the Slack notifications feature.
Looking ahead, we are considered about potentially revisiting the Slack notifications feature, and exploring ways to make it work better for you. πŸš€ As always, we value your feedback - it’s your insights that help us make Changebot better with each update. So, keep the feedback coming - and enjoy your enhanced user experience!

July 18, 2024

πŸ”— Enhanced Transparency in Updates!

Hey there! We're constantly looking for ways to make your experience with our app smoother and more insightful. 

Today, we're excited to announce a new feature that does just that. 🌟 

In addition to seeing the updates generated for you, you'll now also find a link to the specific commit as well. This feature is a direct evolution of our previous work where we started showcasing the commit data that was initially used to generate the updates.  

πŸ”„ Our aim is to offer you full transparency and control over the updates you receive as some customers were confused what the generated update was related to!

We hope this empowers you to understand better the recommended updates, and provide feedback on how we can continue to generate updates. πŸ’¬ 

Looking ahead, we're excited to continue to improve update quality and provide even more feedback on how your updates are generated. 

As always, we invite you to share your thoughts and ideas. Your feedback shapes our roadmap and helps us deliver an ever-improving experience. Enjoy the latest update and let us know what you think! πŸš€

July 18, 2024

Introducing a Smarter Changebot! πŸš€

We're thrilled to announce a series of updates to make Changebot smarter! 

Previously Changebot was pretty limited in the information it used to create an update, which resulted in updates that were well-written but could miss the forest for the trees.

Changebot now considers a broader scope of information, allowing for more accurate updates. Rather than solely focusing on individual changes, it examines the overall progress your team is making on the product. This results in more accurate and more comprehensive updates, since Changebot might refer to something that even you forgot about!

We all have a million things going on with our business and it'd be unreasonable for a person to review every product change when writing about a new feature... but now that's easy for Changebot.

How do your updates look? Are there any other details we could include to further improve your updates? 

Let us know what feedback you have and we'll continue improving Changebot! πŸš€

July 18, 2024

Improved Context Visibility

We're thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to your ability to trace Changebot context back to the source. This change follows a series of adjustments made over the past few weeks, all aimed at making your Changebot experience more fluid and intuitive. 

πŸ” Initially, we added a direct link to the related GitHub commit within each customer update. To make this feature more user-friendly, we later introduced an icon indicating that the GitHub link would open in a new tab, thus ensuring that you could easily navigate back and forth between Changebot and GitHub.

πŸ–±οΈ Now, we've taken a step further. Previously, the direct link to the commit on GitHub was represented by the commit's SHA. Realizing that this was not self-explanatory, we have now changed the hyperlink text from the commit's SHA to 'View on Github' to provide a more transparent browsing experience.

πŸ‘€ Furthermore, we've also enhanced the link's visibility by styling it with a vibrant green color. Our goal here is to make it easier for you to spot the link and understand where it will lead you. 

πŸ”„ We hope these updates have made your experience with our application more seamless and enjoyable. Your feedback is vital to us and has been instrumental in guiding these improvements. We're excited to continue refining our application based on your input.

πŸ“¬ As always, we're eager to hear your thoughts on these changes and any other aspects of Changebot. We look forward to incorporating your feedback into our future development plans, so please keep it coming! πŸ—οΈ

July 18, 2024

Continuous Uptime for Your Application! πŸš€

Hello, intrepid users! We have another exciting update for you. 

Remember how we've been working on improving the performance and stability of our app? Well, we've taken a giant leap forward! πŸŽ‰ 

Building on our previous efforts, our service is now available 24/7, ensuring you can access your information whenever you need it. In the past, we've worked on optimizing our background jobs, introduced reporting for errors, and even did some spring cleaning by removing unnecessary code. 

This most recent improvement is a part of our commitment to providing you with a seamless user experience. We hope you'll enjoy the freedom and flexibility this update brings to your workflow. 

But we're not done yet! We're already brainstorming more ways to make our app even better. As always, your suggestions and feedback are crucial to our ongoing development, so please keep sharing your thoughts with us. Thanks for being on this journey with us. 

Enjoy the non-stop service! 🎈

July 18, 2024

Enhanced Customer Update Generation

We are excited to announce significant improvements to our customer update generation process, designed to provide you with more accurate and relevant updates about our software. Here are the key benefits and features of this new release:
  • Tailored Updates: By leveraging our advanced language learning model (LLM), we now generate a set of specific questions based on each commit message to ensure that all relevant information about new changes is included in the customer updates.
  • Improved Accuracy: We now ensure (and triple check that) updates are generated in the correct format, ensuring clarity and accuracy.
  • Consistency and Quality: This update improves the consistency of updates, specifically with regard to key information is always included, leading to more consistent and high-quality updates.
These improvements are part of our ongoing commitment to enhance your experience and keep you well-informed about the latest updates and features. We hope you find these updates beneficial and look forward to your feedback.
Thank you for being a valued customer!

July 18, 2024

Improved Handling of Bot-Authored Github Issues

We are excited to announce a new enhancement aimed at improving your user experience by preventing imported issues opened by bots. 

This update ensures that pull requests (PRs) authored by bots, such as Dependabot, are ignored during the import process. These bot-generated PRs often contain long body text with low value for generating customer updates and can be a source of unnecessary notifications.
Key Benefits:
  • Relevance and Efficiency: By filtering out bot-authored PRs, you will receive more concise and valuable updates, helping you focus on important information without being overwhelmed by irrelevant details.
  • Enhanced Communication: The updates you receive will be more pertinent, leading to more effective communication between your development team and stakeholders. This can help streamline the feedback and resolution process.
  • Improved Performance: With the system avoiding the processing of long and low-value PRs, you can expect a more streamlined and efficient handling of imported PRs, ultimately reducing noise and improving overall system performance.
This update is currently implemented as a default behavior, and there are no specific configuration options available for users at this time. If you encounter any issues or unexpected behavior with this feature, please refer to our support resources for assistance.

We hope this enhancement will significantly improve your experience by providing more relevant and useful content. Thank you for your continued support!

July 18, 2024

Improved Webflow Export Publication

We've enhanced the way customer updates exported to Webflow are displayed on the Changebot-hosted customer updates page.

This update introduces more accurate publication times and improves the order in which updates are shown, ensuring a more reliable and consistent experience.

July 18, 2024

Edit Your Updates! πŸš€

We've got an awesome update for you that makes your interaction with Changebot even more collaborative. This release is based on your feedback and the evolution of our product since the initial creation of customer updates. Let's dive in! πŸŽ‰

First, a quick look back. We started out with admin-generated customer updates, later introduced user approvals and reversion of approvals. You told us that you loved the ability to approve updates but also wanted the power to edit them. We listened and now we're delivering on it! πŸ’ͺ 

Starting from today, you can make changes to the suggested updates! Yes, you heard it right. You're now in the driver's seat. Go ahead, tweak those updates until they're just right for your audience. And don't worry, we're keeping track of all changes, so you'll always know who made the last edit. πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ 

We're thrilled to bring you these updates and can't wait to see what you do with them. 

As always, we're here, ready to create a better Changebot experience with you. Enjoy the latest changes and let us know what you think! 🌟

July 18, 2024

Introducing customer update approvals

You can now approve (and un-approve) any suggested customer updates. 

Remember when we allowed you to edit the suggested updates? Now, you have full control over them! 🎯 

This comes as part of our ongoing efforts to make your experience more seamless and customized. We started by allowing the Changebot team to suggest updates, then we made way for you to edit those suggestions, and now you can approve or revert them as you see fit. Plus, we've made it easier for you to track these changes, with notifications and direct links for each update. πŸ“

We're making these advancements to ensure that our application stays in sync with your expectations and needs. Enjoy this new feature and don't forget to let us know what you think about it. Your feedback is vital in shaping the future of our app. 

What's next in the pipeline? You tell us! πŸ’¬

July 18, 2024

New Workflow Communication Features

Based on your valuable feedback, we've made significant improvements to our 'updates pending' view. 

No more confusion about whether the page is stuck - we now clearly state that a human review is underway. This is a step-up from our last enhancement where we introduced notifications once a user update request was queued. 

We've also spruced up the page to give it a sleeker aesthetic. Plus, users waiting longer than expected now have a convenient way to reach out to us directly! This is a leap from our last update, where users could only edit and approve updates. Now, with an added layer of interaction, we hope to make your waiting time more productive. 🐦

These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to provide you with an exceptional user experience. As we move forward, we'll continue to refine and improve our platform, and we'd love your input. So, please keep the feedback coming! 😊 Your suggestions could just shape our next big feature!

July 18, 2024

Exciting Application Performance Updates πŸš€

Good news! We've been working hard to improve the way we handle commits, based on your feedback. 

This update brings an enhanced strategy for summarizing data, giving you a more robust and seamless user experience than ever before. 

πŸ” Remember when we told you about the introduction of the initial commits fetch after onboarding? Since then, we've been improving this feature. We've now upgraded the way we fetch all commits on initial import, meaning that we now fetch all commits while also improving performance and reducing wait time. 

This update, like all previous ones, is designed with you, our valued users, in mind. We greatly appreciate your feedback and have used it to shape these enhancements. This is part of our ongoing commitment to providing a seamless, user-friendly experience. 

We're excited for you to try out these changes and can't wait to hear your feedback. Remember, your insights play a crucial role in shaping the future of our product. Let us know what you think about this update and help us continue making our application even better! πŸ™Œ

July 18, 2024

Improved Webflow Configuration Management

We've made it easier to manage your Webflow configurations with a new dedicated view page. Now, after setting your Webflow configurations, you can see all your current settings clearly displayed on a separate page.

The edit form has also been improved to ensure you always fetch the latest values from the Webflow API, making it simpler to keep your configurations up-to-date. These changes enhance the overall user experience by providing a clearer and more intuitive interface for managing your Webflow settings.

July 17, 2024

Enhanced Timestamp Accuracy for Publications

We've improved the accuracy and consistency of timestamps when publishing updates. This enhancement ensures that the 'published_at' timestamp is set correctly, providing reliable tracking and reporting for publication events.

July 17, 2024

Your updates, served fresh! πŸ“œβœ¨

We've been listening and acting on your feedback –– and the results are in! Today, we're thrilled to announce a neat new tweak to how we serve our customer updates.

Prior to this update your updates showed up in a bit of... a random order πŸ˜….

From now on, you will see the most recent updates first when you access the updates page! 

To keep you in the loop, we also added a notification feature to inform you whenever new updates are generated. πŸ› οΈ 

With these improvements, we're not just keeping you updated, we're making it easier and quicker for you to be in the know about our latest enhancements! πŸ‘€ 

Enjoy the latest update and let us know what you think!

July 17, 2024

Customize Your Publication URL

You can now personalize your team's publication URL by editing the publication slug. This allows you to create a custom URL that aligns with your team's branding and makes it easier for your audience to find your updates.

July 17, 2024

Quick Actions

We're excited to announce the latest updates to our application, focused on improving your workflow and user experience.
Seamless Redirection
When you approve a suggested customer update, you'll now be redirected back to the page where you initiated the action. This enhancement ensures a smooth and uninterrupted workflow, allowing you to continue your tasks without losing your place within the application.
Specifically, if you navigate from the update details page, you'll be redirected back to it after completing the action. Otherwise, you'll be taken back to the dashboard. This intuitive redirection logic makes your navigation more predictable and efficient.
Quick Actions on Dashboard
We've added convenient quick actions to the dashboard, enabling you to mark updates as pending, skipped, or approved with just a few clicks. Simply select the update and choose the appropriate action from the dropdown menu or button set. This feature streamlines your update management, helping you stay organized and focused on what matters most.
Other Improvements
Our team has also worked on enhancing the performance and memory usage of commit-related functionalities. These behind-the-scenes improvements contribute to a faster and more reliable user experience.
We hope these updates make your experience more productive and enjoyable. As always, your feedback is invaluable. Thank you for being a valued customer!

July 17, 2024

New Feature: Mark Updates as Published

We've introduced a new feature that allows you to mark your updates as published. This helps you keep track of which updates are ready to be shared, streamlining your workflow.

Look for the new 'Publish' button to easily mark your updates as published. This feature ensures that your updates are managed effectively and are ready to be displayed when needed.

July 15, 2024

Improved Github Integration: Updates now include Github Issues

We are excited to announce the release of a new feature that enhances our integration with Github by incorporating Github Issues into your updates. This update introduces several improvements designed to provide you with more comprehensive and detailed information for better decision-making.

By incorporating Github Issues into Changebot we can provide additional context for commits, enhancing the generation of updates and making them more relevant and impactful to your current (and potential) customers.

These updates are designed to improve your experience by providing more detailed and actionable insights, helping you to better track, analyze, and manage your projects. We are committed to continuously enhancing our platform to better meet your needs and simplify your workflow.

July 10, 2024

Improved Customer Update Interface with New Actions Button

We are excited to announce a new feature that enhances the customer update interface. 

This update replaces the individual controls and introduces the new 'Actions' button, designed to organize and streamline all actions you can take on a customer update.
  • Dropdown Menu for Actions: The 'Actions' button now includes a dropdown menu, grouping related actions such as approving, editing, and marking updates as pending. This pulls the disconnected action that were previously around the updates page into one streamlined interface.
  • Enhanced Organization and Visual Appeal: By incorporating a dropdown menu, the interface is now more organized, reducing clutter and creating a cleaner layout.
  • Improved Efficiency: The new button logic simplifies access to various functionalities within the application, helping you manage customer updates more efficiently.
These improvements aim to increase user engagement and provide a more user-friendly experience. We hope you enjoy the enhanced interface and find it easier to manage your customer updates.

July 05, 2024

Enhanced GitHub Integration: Fetch Issue and Pull Request Comments

We are excited to introduce a new feature that enhances our GitHub integration by adding the ability to fetch and store GitHub issue and pull request comments. This update is designed to give you a more comprehensive understanding of the context surrounding your commits and development process.
Key Benefits:
  • Richer Context for Customer Updates: By including issue and pull request comments, we provide a more thorough context for generating customer updates, leading to more informed and accurate communication with your customers.
  • Improved Development Insights: Access to comments related to pull requests and issues offers valuable insights into the development process, potential bugs, and decisions made during feature implementation, enhancing transparency and communication within your team.
We are committed to continually improving our service and look forward to adding more features and enhancements in the future. Stay tuned for updates on fetching comments based on webhook events and additional types of GitHub documents.
Thank you for your continued support!

July 05, 2024

Improved Customer Update Status Handling

We've enhanced the way customer update statuses are managed by ensuring that a publication record is created with a 'published' status before it's sent out. This improvement boosts the reliability and consistency of status updates.

Additionally, we've added more robust test coverage to ensure these updates are processed correctly. This means you can trust that your customer updates are accurately recorded and reflected.

July 02, 2024

Introducing Draft Publishing to Webflow CMS Collections!

We are excited to announce a new feature that empowers you to publish drafts of your customer updates directly to your Webflow CMS collections. This enhancement is designed to improve your workflow, making content management more efficient and reducing manual steps.
What’s New?
  • Streamlined Publication Process: Easily publish drafts to Webflow CMS collections with just a few clicks. No more manual steps, reducing the potential for errors.
  • Better Configuration Management: Configure your Webflow integration directly from the settings page, ensuring a smooth setup and ongoing management of your content.
  • Automated Processes: Benefit from new automation that simplifies content publishing, making it faster and more reliable.
How to Get Started
  1. Configure your Webflow integration by accessing the settings page.
  2. Navigate to the customer update you wish to publish.
  3. Select the option to publish it to your Webflow CMS collection on your Webflow site.
These improvements are designed to enhance collaboration, efficiency, and the overall user experience. We believe these new features will greatly benefit your content management process.

July 02, 2024

Improved Handling of Unselected Webflow Configuration Options

We've made an update to ensure that our Webflow configuration dropdowns handle unselected options more gracefully. Previously, deselecting an option would cause a page error, but this is now fixed.

With this update, you can freely select and unselect options in the Webflow configuration dropdowns without encountering any issues. This makes the setup process smoother and more reliable.

July 02, 2024

Configure Webflow Integration

We've introduced a new way for you to configure Webflow integration directly from our platform! This setup allows you to prepare for publishing customer updates to your Webflow CMS collection seamlessly.

Navigate to the settings page to manage your Webflow OAuth tokens and configure your Webflow settings. This is the first step towards a more integrated and efficient workflow.

July 02, 2024

Introducing Webflow API Integration

We're excited to announce the addition of a Webflow API client to our platform! This new feature allows you to seamlessly interact with your Webflow sites, directly from our application.

You can now create CMS items, fetch collections, view detailed collection information, and access site data programmatically. This update empowers you to automate your content management tasks and maintain real-time synchronization with Webflow.

July 01, 2024

Improved Data Security with ActiveRecord Encryption

We've enhanced our data security measures by enabling ActiveRecord encryption. This update strengthens the protection of sensitive information stored in our system.

With this improvement, you can have greater confidence in the security of your data, as it is now safeguarded with stronger encryption methods.

June 08, 2024

Improved styling in our Update Editor

We're excited to announce a new update to our Update text editor, significantly improving readability and visual organization. This update introduces the following key improvements:
  • Enhanced Spacing: Added 1.5em spacing below divs and lists to create a clear visual separation and better mirror the appearance of content when pasted into platforms like Webflow.
  • Improved Readability: By aligning the spacing with the default line height the content within the editor is now more visually appealing and easier to read (making it easier to edit.)
  • User-Friendly Experience: These changes help users to better visualize the structure of their content while editing, making the text editor more intuitive and user-friendly.
We believe these enhancements will make your content creation process more seamless and enjoyable. Happy editing!

March 01, 2024

Example Published Update

This is where we want all your updates to get to: Published!

Published updates are live for your customers to read and enjoy. We currently allow you two methods of publishing:
  1. Published into your CMS, and
  2. Published to your Changebot hosted updates page. 
You can connect your CMS from the integrations page hereβ€”if we're missing your platform please let us know and we'll build it for you.

Your hosted updates page is already live! Since this update is marked as published you can view it here: [link to hosted updates page.]

We're excited to get all your updates written for you and published! If you haven't already you can get started by connecting your GitHub account here.

Let us know any way for us to improve the product for you!